The Tuxedo Gardener Video Overview has many answers to your questions.

The Tuxedo Gardener Video Overview provides you a greater understanding of how this raised bed garden system works. My friend Marlene Gibb hosted the interview.

Below are a couple of photos from this video. The The Tuxedo Gardener video is divided into three segments.

The Tuxedo Gardener Video Overview Harvesting a Patty Pan
The Tuxedo Gardener Video Overview Harvesting a Patty Pan
The Tuxedo Gardener Video Overview
Young zucchini has tender flesh and small seeds.

The first segment is the history of my gardening experience, philosophy, differences between soil based and plant-based raised bed gardening. Click the link here to view the video.

The segment two discusses heat generation from this garden system. Insect control using netting and much much more. Click here to view the second segment.

Segment three brings all the information into a conclusion you don’t want to miss. Click here to view the last segment.

The Tuxedo Gardener Video Overview is a series of videos that give answers to many of your questions.